Classes & PT


Beginners Boxing:

This non combat class will ease you into the world of Boxing. You will learn the core boxing fundamentals under guidance from a professional boxing coach. Learn exactly how to throw a jab correctly or hit a left hook. All against boxing pads.

Boxing Fitness:

A higher intensity class aimed at improving your fitness. This is a non combat class. Use the techniques you've learnt in Beginners Boxing to challenge yourself with more demanding pad work. Also includes core strength training and elements of circuit training. A fun, physical class to improve your stamina.

Boxing Class:

A class aimed at teaching you boxing technique. This class aims at both improving your fitness and teaching you the boxing skills to be used in sparring or competition. All contact is controlled and to be kept light. The aim is to learn new skills and try them against an opponent in a controlled manner. 


Sparring Class:

Popular for those who want to further improve their sparring technique or are training for competition. A high intensity class aimed at improving stamina and sharpening boxing skills. All contact is controlled but dependant on the skill levels of each participant. Sparring will be kept light for any novices.

Circuit Training:

Our circuit training is a form of body conditioning or resistance training using high-intensity aerobics. It targets strength building and muscular endurance. All controlled by professional trainer.

Personal Training (PT):

Personal training is exercise led by professionals with a focus on the individual needs and wishes of the client. In personal training, the client does the boxing techniques and proper fitness exercises under permanent control. We ensure a proper motivational level to our client.